Friday, January 7, 2022

SECRET KEEP - Dev Video 11 - "Crossbow Guards - Voices & Bolts"

Did some work on the Crossbow Guards:
  • Got their crossbow bolts behaving quite well.
  • Got their voices low-pass-filtered if they are on a different floor of the tower.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

SECRET KEEP - Dev Video 10 - "Towers: Entryways, Basic Rooms, Crossbow Guards"

Made some more good progress with the towers.

- Can build any sized tower.

- Land around that tower is automatically flattened and reserved, so that no trees, grass or other objects get placed there.

- Discuss thoughts on future tower generation & mission activities!

SECRET KEEP - Dev Video 6, 7, 8, 9 - Building Towers & Flattening Land

Catching up on the past few weeks!
It's been the lead up to Christmas and New Years, and now both are done!
But I was also very pleased to get a bunch of things done on the project.

  • Taking stock of the project, before embarking on a stint of development coming up!
  • Tweaked the player controller. Integrating a more grounded player with blackjack, sword, torch, etc. Swimming.
  • Thinking about plans for building towers, flattening the land, etc.

  • Basic terrain flattening code working!
  • Thinking through all the steps that need to be done to get this working "automatically" for each tower built.

  • Got automatic building of  towers and flatting the land working.
  • I can now build towers of rectangular proportions, and it automatically flattens the terrain, with padding and falloff.
  • Not yet reserving the land for the building, so currently still getting grasses, trees and other objects being spawned inside the buildings.

  • Tweaking the tower generation system. Smoother code. Updated Blender kit pieces.
  • Talking about my ideas for a Reserved Land system.
  • Talking about ideas for a tower generation system that's more formalised and contextually aware.
  • Was still working with 8m x 8m x 3m kit pieces here. Thinking about 10m x 10m x 4m room size instead.