It's a real joy to be getting back into proper development of SECRET KEEP.
I had to take time away to learn more programming (making MUZTEK Base Game systems), to figure out how to fully Pause and Unpause the game properly, and how to do Save & Load of game state.
Now I'm back, and I've integrated these concepts into SECRET KEEP in a basic way, with a Menu System in place, a basic Save & Load system working, and a basic Mission Generation loop in place from the menu, into the game, and back out again.
Here I show the basic menu, save, load, mission generation loop in action...
It's great to now have this in place, as I can start to actually work on game systems, mission types, NPCs, player abilities, etc, all working within this foundational framework I have in place.
Here's a bunch of screenshots I also took at this point in time!
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